This is an automated signature creator and the fields that can be adjusted are listed below:

  • FirstName (Textbox)
  • LastName (Textbox)
  • Department (Drop-down)
  • Title (Textbox)
  • UBT OFFICE NAME (Drop-down)
  • Phone number (T) (Textbox)
  • Mobile number (M) (Textbox)
  • Address (auto-populated after choosing UBT OFFICE NAME)

Instructions for use:

1. Please click on the text in the New Email Signature (e.g: FIRSTNAME) to start editing your email signature. Note: The Reply Email Signature will autofill once you have filled in your information in the New Email Signature.
2. Fill out all your details in the relevant boxes – FirstName, LastName, Department, Title, Office Name, Phone number and Mobile number.
3. If you don’t want to include mobile number in the signature then please write "none" and this will remove the field.
4. Once complete, click ‘Copy to clipboard’ and copy this into your outlook account, by right clicking and selecting 'Keep Source Formatting'.

Instructions to update your signature in outlook can be found here:

New Email Signature


FirstName LastName

Department | Title



[email protected] | www.universalbusinessteam.com

Address,  City,  Postal Code,  Country

Australia | Argentina | Caribbean | Europe | New Zealand | North America | United Kingdom

Confidentiality Notice & Disclaimer: This email and any attachments are strictly confidential and remain the property of UBT. It must not be disclosed to third parties without the express written approval of UBT. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose or use the information in any way and must delete this email. When addressed to our clients, any advice or information in the email or its attachments is subject to the terms of our Client Engagement Letter.  

Reply Email Signature

Kind regards,


FirstName LastName   Department | Title

[email protected]


Confidentiality Notice & Disclaimer: This email and any attachments are strictly confidential and remain the property of UBT. It must not be disclosed to third parties without the express written approval of UBT. If you are not the intended recipient you must not disclose or use the information in any way and must delete this email. When addressed to our clients, any advice or information in the email or its attachments is subject to the terms of our Client Engagement Letter.