This is an automated signature creator and the fields that can be adjusted are listed below:

  • Type (Dropdown)
  • Firstname (Textbox)
  • Lastname (Textbox)
  • Role (Textbox)
  • Telephone (Textbox)

Instructions for use:

  • Please select type of signature.
  • Please click on the text in the New Email Signature (e.g: FIRSTNAME) to start editing your email signature.
  • Fill out all your details in the relevant boxes – Firstname, Lastname, Year#, Campus name and Telephone.
  • If you don’t want to include mobile number in the signature then please write "none" and this will remove the field.
  • Once complete, click ‘Copy to clipboard’ and copy this into your outlook account, by right clicking and selecting 'Keep Source Formatting'.

Instructions to update your signature in outlook can be found here:

To set up the signature in the browser version of Office365 you will need to perform the following;

  • Right click on the image and save it
  • Remove the image from the signature
  • Copy and paste the signature into the Signature setup
  • Click on the space where the image needs to go and then click on the insert image

New Email Signature

Select Type:

Firstname Lastname


Any email sent from OneSchool may contain information which is confidential and privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient
you may not disclose, copy or use it; please notify the sender immediately and delete it and any copies. You should protect your
system from viruses etc.; we accept no responsibility for damage that may be caused by them.